

Initializes a prompt-based setup process to scaffold specific templates within a turborepo project. It guides users through selecting templates, handling file overwrites, and running associated commands.

The function:

  • Displays the CLI help message when run with the --help or -h flag.

  • Prompts the user for the root directory of the turborepo, and checks for the presence of the turbo.json file.

  • Allows the user to select from predefined templates to install.

  • Handles file overwrites based on user choice.

  • Copies the template files into the designated directories and executes any custom commands defined in the templates.

  • Installs project dependencies.

  • @throws Error if a required file is missing, no templates are selected, or the operation is cancelled.


Install the package in your project directory with:

// with pnpm (recommended)
pnpm dlx @noaignite/create-app
// with yarn
yarn dlx @noaignite/create-app
// with npm
npx @noaignite/create-app


Visit https://noaignite.dev to view the full documentation.